
3 Best Ways to Be a Good Girlfriend

3 Best Ways to Be a Good Girlfriend
3 Best Ways to Be a Good Girlfriend

If you are in a new relationship or is approaching its fifth birthday, there are many things you can do to improve your role in the relationship. To be a good friend you must be open and honest with your partner, with support for your needs and requirements and ready to show their love and affection for them. Do not forget to also strive to maintain their own independence to enjoy a healthy relationship.

Method 1
Be Open
1. Do not be too open in the first days. A feeling in a relationship is to make sure that there is enough room for both of you to get to know and trust each other. If you try too fast to get a little more of their relationship than it is already, premature shy can wegschrecken and mess up what's there to be a good thing. Instead, be patient and realize that it takes time to cultivate a strong and lasting relationship. If you want to be a good friend, avoid the following:
Do not push them to classify their relationship too early. It does not take the girlfriend of the label or boyfriend after a few dates; Which cause these risks to feel that the decision was not his. Be patient and leave your own thoughts when the definitions consistently that walking, exclusive relationship, restart serious encounters, etc. Are connected by a ribbon. If the two are compatible, their relationship early enough to develop.
Do not start talking about marriage or founding a family before meeting with close friends and relatives. Raising these problems early can cause tension from the start and can end a productive relationship and other care or even quit smoking.
Do not feel the need to show or impress them. You have to prove anything; You just have to be present and to face listening, paying attention and sharing their interests.
2. Be honest. Although honest with your partner is very important, to the point above, it is just as important that you are honest with yourself. If you react abruptly or make a mistake, you can acknowledge his mistake and apologize. If you feel vulnerable or upset, you can sort out your feelings and verbalize in a non-adversarial way.
And the most important thing is that it will be as open as possible of your feelings. For example, when you do something or say something that bothers you, open on how it relates to you without blaming or asking to change it.
If it is constructed from the beginning of the communication of the fixed lines, will be sooner than later to see if this relationship tolerates or expires.
3. Speak your mind. Do not be afraid to make your wishes, needs and opinions known, even if they may conflict with their partners. You are not and should not be just to please her. It also shows that you are your own person with his own needs, desires and approach to life that will push you to know you and understand you as a person. If all goes well, to say what you think, they will feel comfortable with understanding their mind at ease.
Remember to express yourself in a way that does not harm opinion or any other way of life in any way - it can be both humble and sincerely, using Assertionsstrategien and also take into account their feelings.
4. Be yourself not Sheepskin, impress. It can be tempting if you think that prefer other girl but what is usually just improvises fragments of things have said or suggested and is most likely wrong. After all, they do not want to go out with you, an imaginary form of perfection. And if you have really tried to change things on themselves because they insist that the bigger is thinner, prettier silent, which is anyway, then a good indication, which are not Not compatible.
If you say things in a dark, stubborn way, it is not love, but an attempt to control you.
Not pretend to share your interests if it does not work. You may mock or "sure" of this, but it is extremely painful when they learn that you really do not like what they like; You can base their thoughts on their role in their future in something that is not real and will end up harming both.

Method 2
Get Support
1. Take an interest in their interests. Remember what they like to do and what they are talking about. They should not pretend to like their hobbies but at least try to understand why they are such a fan. If they are a group, try to understand why. If they love being playful and immature, remember that it could be their way of releasing stress. By learning their unique way of being accepting, you will learn more about yourself and finally, if you could even spend the rest of your life with that person.
They should not be interested in all their interests. If they like baseball, but you just can not go, it will be good.
Just learn about their interests and discuss what is important to them.
2. Learning to work in teams. As in any healthy relationship, you will experience your share of conflicts, some tiny, some great. Remember to be yourself around to be true and try to give up a significant egoism. A relationship is a question of teamwork and a symbiotic relationship, not parasitic, if one party gives, the other far behind simply takes. In one team, you can have the back of the other, you do not know, and you appreciate openly to others.
In case of difficulties, a team approach can help solve the problems of less emotional ways, as you can take the necessary responsibilities to repair things, rather than either expect to help matters.
Avoid a "one way" in which the connection rotates around a thing. Keep your relationship strong through diversity and diversity provided in the relationship. Try all different and new. Relationships are having fun together, learning together and growing together.
3. Top it more than you criticize. If what you are saying to them is a critical or an attack, they will not wait to see you, and they will begin to think about you. Nevertheless, you do not always have to agree with them because they are your partners. Neutrality is a better strategy in relations and limitation and reaching compromise are important inter strategies to learn and adopt.
Even if you can be a valid review, if it feels good, you should say at least four positive things about it, for any negative thing you say.
Do not just swim because you are in a bad mood or things are not perfect.
4. To jeopardize learning. If you want to be a good friend, then you must learn to be more compromising than fighting or being angry, the second, you will not get the hang of it. To compromise you must calmly and rationally discuss a situation while understanding the view of the other. Try to understand where your important partner, rather than blindly concentrate on what you think you need.
Do not be that girl who always gets his way just because your partner would simply prefer standing because you are so angry and annoyed whenever you are looking for your way.
5. Give yourself another room. You should support your partner, but you should also be able to be "spiritual" if you are not really there. If you want to be a good friend, then you have to take the time to do your own password, go with your friends and see your partner. You should know what you think and rooted, even if you are not there. If you feel insecure, you doubt the strength of your relationship, the second, you are disconnected, you have a problem.
You should assist your partner if they just want to spend an evening with their friends instead of trying to interfere. It is important to allow another person to spend time with their friends and without you going.
If you feel right, anytime and their attention, learn how not to be a obsessed girlfriend. Do not be frightened girlfriend; Let them go without feeling watched.
Remember that they do not need you for anything and that you are separate people and a couple. If they need space, do not take it personally, they recognize what it is, their time to rejuvenate and share different interests with others. But make sure they know you are always there for them.

Method 3
Being in love
1. Be tender. There are different ways to show your affection; Some are obvious as others and as you approach it it will depend on how well you would be personally affectionate. Affection is close, but not the same as privacy: the condition is to show openly that you care about this person and you can see it at any time, whether day or night, in public or private. Consider how you want to show affection to persons of interest, such as hand tight, touching an arm, quick kisses to the cheek, a hug, hair inflows, supporting words, mentioning how someone is in front of others, etc.
The animal names such as "baby" or "treasure" are a nice way to show your passion for your partner. However, try not to exaggerate it. This can be a big surprise when you call it "Mr. Kuschel-Bear", especially in the public. Of all things, good communication is the essential part of any relationship, so make sure they know how much you love them.
Texts and regular e-mails eggs can be a plus, but are becoming overwhelming and you may seem nailed. These types of things show you in them, and you want to take it forever, but you do not have to fly so much that scare you!
2. Be attractive. Do not be afraid to be attractive. Most people find it irresistible when a girl is sexy, stylish and confident. Trust means being happy in your own skin; You will raise it without trying, if you agree and feel safe in your own value. You should not force yourself to be the most popular and bubbly personality if it is not your style; Rather, the best thing you take care of is to take your self and to trust your attention.
3. Give them gifts. If you are related, it is fun to give small gifts. Everyone likes to make gifts and give them a show they mean a lot to you. Do not exaggerate it - just give them a gift if you feel like it and want them to let them know how much they mean to you. You do not want to think you're trying to buy their affection.
Put something in your hand. A paper flower, artistic heart, something creative that reflects your personality, so every time she looks, she thinks of you and your smile. If you like music or play an instrument, do not hesitate to play one or two songs (bonus points when you play a song you play). Add your own video for your song on YouTube.
4. Do not be jealous. You should love, but not to mention the point where you see the red your second partner, or even just another girl. Nothing else will make your fastest person girlfriend is so unstable that it can not carry the thoughts of other women who exist in the universe. Your partner will look to you more if you see their friends are nice instead of too weak or anger every girl you see.
When they go out with their friends, do not write every two seconds to ensure they do not talk to other girls. This will only show your partner how much you trust.
