
10 hacks for Dating that will blow your mind

Dating that will blow your mind
10 hacks for Dating that will blow your mind
When I talk with introverted men how they feel about meeting and meeting beautiful women, here's what most of them are telling me:
They tell me they feel helpless.
They tell me they are not sure.
They tell me they feel like women hold all power.
Does that sound familiar?
If so, tie your belt ... you'll discover, 10 Wonders hacks that work like magic when it comes to turbo-charging dating your success. After all, what man does not want to facilitate dating?
I have been practicing introverted men for over 20 years and have made an idea recently. I asked my subscribers a favor. I asked him to send the best hacks they learned from us. Then my team organized the 10 smarter tricks to make each day smoother, to be harmless at first sight hug late at night. This effortless movement is guaranteed to make your love life a success.

1. Use the Trick phone

The approach of women and starting conversations is a scary thing for most men. You know what I'm talking about. You see a beautiful woman, and you want to get close to her, but your hands begin to sweat, your heart beats faster, and before you know it, your mind trying to get you angry. What if I'm not his type? What if they reject me? And if it does not resemble me
A tip to help you hit your anxiety approach is the ability to recognize that women are attracted to you before you even talk to them. I call them signs of attraction invitations or a conversation. If you know that a woman has attracted you, you will have a much easier time approaching them. To look for some simple signs are contact with the eyes, a smile or a nod. Do not get me wrong: women will go out of their way to avoid eye contact, smile or a nod to men who are not attracted (unless they already know). So if a woman has eye contact, you smile or make a sign to you, you can be 99% sure that it has attracted you. If you approach, you will feel a warm welcome.
So, what does this have to do with your phone? Well, did you know that when you on the phone, you are likely to get more signs of attraction? Yes it is true! I do not know why it is exactly, but I think it is because it involves on the phone that you have a social life. It makes you too busy. A man with a social and working life is more attractive to women. The second reason I think they do it is because they feel safer. You know you do not just come to pick them up, because they're on the phone.
So, how to use this hack? If you go by road, was on the phone. Check that the women give you signs of attraction. And if you happen to see, this is exactly your type, why not take care of yourself and start a conversation? After all, she is attracted to you and he is your type! Why not find more about them? If you do this a few times a week, I can virtually guarantee that you get a date in no time. And who knows, it could be that one.

2. Imagine, you've known them for years

Well, you see a woman you love and want to get close to him. As you maximize your chances that the introduction and first call goes smoothly?
Here's a big hack for it: Imagine you've known it for years. There's something very strange when you do it. If you imagine that you already have someone kenst this is seen in your facial expressions and micro phrases. If you do, they will see it on your face and it will start to think they have known you for years. This puts them in a receptive mood.
Have you ever seen a person who is watching you from afar, as they have tried to know if you know it? Have you noticed how this also made you curious? How do you begin to wonder if you know them well? This is the power of this hack. I know it sounds too simple to be true, but try a try.

3. Give them your shoulders and hips after she gave you her first

Did you know that most men to approach with women in the first minute by her whole body towards the woman? This telegrafie too much interest turning too fast as your hips and shoulders to a woman after she turned her whole body to yourself first.

4. Have a conversation structure for the first 30 seconds ready

They saw her, she gave you an invitation to appeal, you imagined you already know, and you started a conversation with her. Well, what are you talking about? How do you make sure the conversation is great?
Well, if you have used the three hacks above, it should be enough to have a great conversation. This is because it has already attracted and imagined you have already experienced. All this will help you to make sure that they contribute more to the conversation. In other words, they make it easy for you.
But here's a hack. Did you know that the first 30 seconds of conversation are the most difficult? Make sure you are sure provides a conversation structure and themes for the first 30 seconds. Then it becomes easy for the first 30 seconds to give you the impulse of something. And again, if you stack them on the other three hacks, it's really hard to confuse things.

5. Stitch to it, you want more

If you really want to increase your appeal to you and they will, you always want to put down a foot. Show a foot of it, how are you going in this direction. It will probably work harder to keep your attention. Unconsciously, they will record that you are gone.

6. Use Date sowing to think long after you're gone

If you want to set up a date with it, this is a good way to do it, to use what I call date picker. This means that you arrive at the time of the conversation. Nothing pretentious, just carelessly plant some small seeds.
For example:
You: "So you love art I know this great art gallery We should finally go ..? "

You: "Of course, why not"

Do a few times during the conversation they get his number or set up the date there and that.
"Well, this Tuesday and Friday, I'm a little busy, but Wednesday or Thursday at 7 am works for me. What is your schedule?

If you sow two or three date ideas, there is something to think of when you are away. It is and imagine it in these places. Your date is better in general because it has presented you in various scenarios. If you think about it, is not it what we do when we fall in love? Imagine, with the other person doing different things together? You bet! This is what the Spirit gives, so that we may fall in love.

7. Use eye contact, but not because of what your mother told you

Remember when your mother told you that you should make eye contact? She was right, but mostly for the wrong reasons. Well, maybe suppose not wrong, she only knew half the reasons.
My parents have always told me that eye contact is important because if you can not see a person's eyes, you are not trustworthy. And yes, it's true, when you see a person in the eye, it shows them that you are confident and trustworthy. But did you know that when a man and a woman contact with the eyes, there are two important things at the same time? It builds attraction and connection.

If you have already read guide, you will know that it is important to build both attraction and a connection. If you build a single connection, they will see you as a friend. If you only make the attraction, it sees you as superficial. So you need both. Now, most dating tips will tell you to do some special techniques, gadgets and routines to do it. The truth is, a normal conversation with good eye contact is enough.

8. Visual contact + pause = sexual tension

Very good. Have a good time with your date. It attracts, and the two are connected to each other on a deeper level.
The only thing missing is sexual tension. It is the driving force in the center of every romantic book, film and imagination ... You need it for your date to have the potential to grow into something more. If there is no sexual chemistry, the game is over. Most men do not know how to create sexual tension, but it is quite simple. Just look while you leave a break in their eyes. That's all. It's all up to her. Both hacks will help you take your sexual chemistry even further.

9. Look at her lips to create even more chemistry

Did you know that when a woman's lips look, she is more likely to start having sexual thoughts? So if you want to build even more chemistry, then look at your lips.

10. Using Emotional Transfer

Have you ever heard that emotions are contagious? You have often heard it already. Well, now there is proof. We think that because the mirror we have neurons in our brain. They allow us to feel everything that smells the other person.
This means that you can make a woman feel what you want them to feel. Make sure you feel the first feeling, and look in your eyes as you feel the feeling. It even begins. But it only works if you can make a connection between them. So if you want to feel a range of different emotions on your date, you need to go only to the emotions they are looking into.
But since we're talking about sexual chemistry, let's see how you can use it to give them, "it's hot here" feelings. To do this, they look in the eyes you imagine you like. If you do, they will start to have the same thought. It works, because if you imagine that you love with it, you start waking you up. Once you wake up, they will even feel through their mirror neurons.
Dating does not have to be complicated. As you can see, these simple but powerful dating hacks can make your love life a lot easier.
