4 Ways To Make Friends Only With a Member of the Opposite Sex |
Method 1
Decide what your true feelings are
1. Determine how you feel about the person and how you feel. Be honest with you.
Have you found a fantastic relationship with them?
If you are not a relationship, if you are single, or if something else was not recognizable, are you likely to be interested in a romantic way?
Do they seem genetically susceptible to you? Remember that deeds speak louder than words. Trust your intuition.
Do you really believe that this person as a friend is best suited to you as a romantic partner? Why? Your answer to this question is what makes the difference, and what keeps the relationship platonic, whether or when the boundaries blur again.
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Method 2
Define your relationship
1. Define your relationship as a friend to recognize early. In any respect, cross-friendships, communication is the key. The guess that an online friendships are broken, misunderstandings and other problems. Egos aside, ask why you both want to be friends. It is a time in most of the other sex friendships, if you are wondering whether or not you should be. Address it from the beginning. The two must have a strict Platonic friendship and want to understand that all this is there. No matter what is said, it is possible to be friends only as long as you have this understanding (and a commitment to friendship as only that) from the beginning.
Method 3
Add your Significant Other
1. Talk about the other partner. Ask your friend to talk to him. The problems of insecurity or trust in a relationship will be reinforced by a friendship between the genres, especially if the friend is obviously attractive. The friend of the opposite sex can often be a scapegoat for relationship problems and a widespread source of offense. Honesty is the best policy.
Confirm the feelings from the beginning limited and create a reason for the friendship that prevails these feelings.
Remember your other thing that you are committed to the relationship and why.
2. Involved or the other material (s). You should make an honest attempt to make friends with their other partners and belong to you. Coordinates Meet all as a group can. Add your other important thing in the issues with your friend. Jealousy is much less likely to be a problem if your other person can know your friend. This takes time, especially when they do not believe in platonic friendships. Similarly, even if you do not like their other, it might be on friendship doubts and jealousy. Find out what they like to do and proposes an outlet for both. Through a friend of the couple always, doubts and jealousies usually disappear in time.
Method 4
Check the status
1. Minimize sexual tension. You will not be "tender fairy" with your friend, even if you are a naturally loving person you look at, especially if one of you is in a romantic relationship with someone else. Of course, it is possible to make physical contact without encouraging sexual attraction, but hormones make us tips. Not these hormones give a chance to confuse your friends status. Limit hugs and body contact in the same amount that you share with a brother or a colleague, depending on what you think is appropriate, and what you think you might feel another person (or their) feeling comfortable. If you feel the need to embrace you and touch them more, maybe you are not just friends.
2. Prevent extreme situations. Do not give people a reason to believe that you as friends are more. Make an evening together is fine but does not bring your friend into social situations where everyone has a date. It is called dating, not friendship. Do not ask your friends of the same sex to accompany you in your sister's wedding, so do not ask your friend of the opposite sex! If you're going to be somewhere that could appear romantic (eg, a movie or fine restaurant), but you do not want it to appear so, invite another friend of the same sex. Even then, people can mean that you are more friends; Prepare these suggestions and think about how to gracefully deny them.
3. Reduce the contact or end friendship when the limits can be clarified or confirmed. If your friend is attracted to you more than just a friend and does not seem to be laid aside over this sight, it is probably better to bring friendship into a score. Keep occasionally contact, short talks and meetings succesives. If the friend has wide support for a relationship, if you realize that you do not want to, if you constantly advise against others (for no reason), or if they have left their own further disadvantage, then maybe that friendship is not worth And this person should be a friendly acquaintance.
4. Pay attention to your choices.
Just choosing lunch for the alternative meeting to meet dinner can be a significant difference to your friend.