
10 Signs You Are Dating A Great Guy Who You Should Never Let Go

10 Signs You Are Dating A Great Guy Who You Should Never Let Go

Women all over the world agree that being can bring much joy and excitement to their life in a relationship. There are much fish in the sea and the choices are endless. For those women who are already in a relationship, you can ask each time that you have made the right decision when you are with your partner. What if there are some things you have neglected? Is it time to rethink your options?
To calm the mind, here are some signs that, in fact, a big guy, should never be missed.

1. He loves you for your dorky, clumsy self

Not all girls can have as much confidence and grace as Marilyn Monroe. You may have an unfavorable laugh or a strange way to go. Maybe you stutter, say bad jokes and drool in your dream. Maybe you're not like that, think you're still around your friends and family, but at the end of each day delicious. It is knowing the best feeling that you do not pretend to be someone you are not.

2. He is not running for the hills during his time

Some situations can not be solved by anyone, not even their number one. We use the time of the month as an example. He does not know how it is, and a large percentage of women suffer from mood swings and hormonal fluctuations that can be terrible and confusing. You can not wait to know exactly what to say, but he will sit you, wrap in a blanket and give you a massage. You want?

3. He is more real than the men in the movies

If you have ever tried to surprise with a song or another romantic gesture, it is often more embarrassing than romantic. But the gestures are flattering and have proven to be elements of conversation for the rest of your relationship. Let's see it, there are no perfect guys, so the fact that this imperfect type can make you happy is an indicator that you are likely to be with the right person.

4. Make yourself go to bed never angry or upset

All couples fight - which is a fact. Each relationship has its low points and its highlights. In any case, it is good to have a man who ensures that two does not stop at unnecessary discussions. There is nothing worse than waking up to know in the morning that I had this fight the night before and you should avoid each other and shine the next morning. If you take the extra effort to make sure you can not fall asleep without doing it, then you know that he is a goalkeeper.

5. He is not very afraid of his father's shotgun.

Many men crown to fulfill the thinking of their parents, especially if they are the type of fear. If your partner is really excited about meeting your people and engaging in your family, this is a sign that you have a good one selected. A good friend will never try to isolate you from your family, so be sure to pay attention.

6. He is the only person who needs to have a good time

Whether you watch a movie, dine, play video games or just spend all day in bed, talking about everything, he's the only person who needs to have a memorable time. To spend time with other people is great, but sometimes there is nothing you love more than being able to spend some time with him. Your life together will never be boring.

7. He does not burn the toast

Enough said. Maybe he knows exactly how to do it to flip a pancake or burn an omelet - on the contrary, he could be a better cook than either way there is nothing better than a guy who knows about the kitchen. While you still have to work a few hours in the kitchen, it's good to know that he's willing to put as much effort into you as you.

8. He does not doubt you and gives you no reason to doubt him.

Trust is the most important part of a functional relationship, and it is important that both efforts equally. If you can walk late at night on Friday night without having to in the morning after the day you were, what you did and what you were, then you know that you have found a good relationship of trust. At the same time, you are being asked no reason, whoever is talking and why you did not call when you said you would. Any excuse or apology that you give is legitimate. This is a man who should have as much time as possible.

9. He has creative ways to let you know that he loves you

It's easy to say those three little words - and after a long relationship, it's something you've said almost automatically, even if it's not serious. At this stage, if your friend finds more creative ways to meet you, who cares, this is the sign of an archer. Maybe he started to have cute notes for you to find when you wake up in the morning. Maybe it catches you to sing. Maybe he'll take you on a picnic. Everything he does, that meant the world.

10. Does not have multiple personalities

He does not have "cool" his friends or his friends act. He is not meant to be anything to impress his parents. He does not have to act differently around him, so better love him. He is the same person all the time - honest and consistent. You never have to worry about whether you are going to be strange to certain people, and you know that man has so much time in love, he will remain the same in fifty years. This is a sign that you are letting go.

10 Questions You Should Never Ask Your Partner

10 Questions You Should Never Ask Your Partner

Most articles on what you do not want to tell your partner to walk around a bit to avoid taboo subjects and avoid puncturing out of bounds. Although these tips are certainly helpful, there are deeper, cutting problems that are more important to avoid.
If all you do, control these 10 questions, your relationship will be dramatically more satisfying and rewarding than the average.

1. "What's the matter? Why do you always do that?"

It is never a good idea, a negative judgment or a general condemnation of your partner to make. Everything you do amplifies the exact negative behavior you are trying to change because your judgments encourage them to isolate you.
Instead of attacking your partner in person, you do not like sharing what you like and how you feel or feel when you do that. You may need introspective and creative to discover why certain things are important to you.
For example, let's say, they often leave the lid on the toothpaste. "What do you do? Why do you do that?" Instead of saying, you can say, "Honey, can you please more often the cap put on toothpaste? It may seem silly, but when it does, I really feel it. Worried about you. "
Then, next time when you are at the top, you feel the joy of the story, and let it make you happy. Go give them a big hug and a kiss. Tell them you know it is a small thing, but you really appreciate it. If your partner is estimated from you, they will want more and more than you would like to continue with the positive atmosphere between the two.

2. "Why do you never want to do it?"

Guilt is not attractive. It creates an atmosphere of hopelessness, resentment, mistrust, and separation in the relationship. Not only is it dangerous, it is also ineffective.
When have you seen anyone who turns their life and personality because they felt worried enough? Sometimes people change because they feel bad and fall to the ground. At the moment they encounter the inner strength to bring them to a new way of life. Do not be the catalyst that collects your partner to the rock. There are other ways to create the same effect, which is more reliable and constructive.
Whenever you are upset with your partner, you focus first on taking responsibility for your own feelings, thoughts, and actions. Take possession of your part of the equation. Instead of life, whatever you think your partner is doing wrong, you can turn your focus as you might be able to improve the relationship.
Once you are more solution oriented and clear about the situation as a whole, please contact your partner with open, transparent communication and a collaborative attitude so that you can find a solution that makes you At the same time happy.

3. u. 4. "Why are you so (annoying, lazy, ungrateful and selfish)?" / "Why are not they (better boy)?"

If you are angry, you can not personally attack your partner. It does not only use you are with them, the whole package of them. They are with you the whole package of you. If we're together, you're playing a game on any level.
If you want to improve the quality of your relationship, it starts with how you communicate. Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, the author of the nonviolent communication, says that the most useful way to communicate with your partner, express honestly and receive sensitive is.
Frankly, the way they are and what they want to do without blame, criticism or demands. If your partner is talking to you, you focus on sensitive, as they are and what they want to hear without blame, criticism or demands.
This type of communication is based on transparency, honesty, and understanding that maintains the relationship. More information about Rosenberg's simple, non-violent four-way communication process.

5. "Why can not you just relax?"

If your partner is in a fight or flight, you can not "just relax" in the command. If they are stressed, they disturb nothing. Otherwise, you can relax.
There are a variety of reasons why your partner might be excited, and although you want, of course, to relax more, say briefly in the heat of the moment, it is unlikely that the result will go away.
The best way to help them become more relaxed is to understand. First, you have to understand something before you can change it. Sometimes understanding is all that is needed.
If you are open, curious and gentle about what is really happening for your partner, that is a clarification and a useful step. Once you talk together in this kind of supportive environment, you are made for success.

6. "If it breaks with me?"

With this question in everyday conflicts is an unnecessary and emotionally destructive threat.
As Eben Pagan and Annie Lalla said in 2014 at Burning Man Mystic's cottage, people often do not ask this question in order to gain authenticity but to accompany the conversation by introducing the imminent possibility of renewal itself.
If you really want to break right there, then you can put it like this and deal with it. Otherwise, you really ask to clarify issues of the other person. And when you feel too hot, then take a step back, as objectively as possible re-evaluate and discuss the matter again once the environment has calmed down.
Have calmed down a bit, "Honey, I'm afraid we're going to take a few minutes and came back once I've calmed down." As soon as you feel when you're really scared that your partner breaks up with you, you just have to say you may ask: "How he feels now?" Or "What do you want?" Or "What do you want in our relationship?"
If you ask these questions in a non-threatening way to give your space partner to think constructively about the answers. That, in your case, that your partner wants to break once done, will tell you. Otherwise, these questions can open up and gently strengthen the intimacy in your relationship.

7. "Are you sure you want to be with me?"

While it is important to health a relationship for each partner to praise the other and appreciate each partner is responsible for their own basic level of self-esteem and self-confidence.
As a relationship coach Jordan Gray says the interest in his partner as a person and on a day to day level and reaffirms that finding them attractive is the key to a successful relationship.
At the same time, Dr. David Scharch, author of Passionate Marriage, points out that it is difficult for someone sexually attracted, you have to constantly trust. If you need constant validation at a basic level, it is difficult for you to admire your partner or respect.
The solution is to make sure that you want to be with you, and that you already find are themselves. If it feels good on your skin, it is much easier to have clarity of mind to judge if the person you are with is a great game for you and really appreciate you.

8. and 9. "Can I trust you?" / "Are you telling me the truth?"

I wonder if this point never asks a good idea. On the one hand, he is his immediate partner on the defensive. On the other hand, you can never trust the answer you get.
This is because if you are not sure you can always trust someone, then ask them if they can go insane just trust.
When it comes to people who are jealous and possessive in relationships, says Mark Manson, model author, "It's very simple. Anyone who does not trust their partner or if they trust their partner, then close their mouths when you. Do not trust your partner, then do yourself a favor and ver scheme them.
"Well, what if I trust them, but I brought them anyway?" Then trust that you will find out one day. Dishonest people can not hide their dishonesty forever. Eventually, it will be superficial and obvious. And on this day reject. "Something difficult, but definitely easy.

10. "If I knew it would make me uncomfortable, why did you put it on?"

A quality relation is not compromised with avoidance pseudo-comfort. It nurtures the true comfort of two people who are transparent to each other and yes in order to deepen in the intimacy and the realization.
Blossoming your relationship, you have to be willing to talk about difficult and unpleasant things and to comfort yourself when the subject feels at hand.
As Dr. David Schnarch suggests, we have to fulfill an emotionally committed relationship, be ready to calm down independently within the relationship.

It is difficult to calm them and to cope with themselves. That is sure. This means that to deal with the parts of us we can not see as much as our own fears, anxieties, and uncertainties.
It is both rewarding and challenging.
A look at what is really happening with openness and curiosity means an ever-better relationship and a better life.

10 Things Our Dogs Teach Us About Healthy Communication

10 Things Our Dogs Teach Us About Healthy Communication

The Humane Society reported that about 47% of American households own at least one dog, and if we refer to the dog as man's best friend about man, he means that honestly, that by clinical psychologist Dr. Suzanne Phillips Treat our dogs better than our spouses, "What is interesting in my work with couples is that although couples can not explain with violence they do not agree on most problems, both are usually softened in tone And how to remember that the dog, the cat, the bird or the horse is great. " As much as we love the four-legged, furry friends, they demand a lot of responsibility; They need food, shelter, medical care and attention, but if they open holes in our favorite pair of high-heeled shoes or throw their cookies on the freshly cleaned carpet, we forgive them.
The reason we sometimes seem to develop strong relationships with our dogs, as with the people in our lives is so simple that we easily overlook them. Dogs work on the Golden Rule; We are treated the way we want to be treated and will respond to use. Here are 10 things our dogs can teach us about healthy communication in our relationships.

1. You do not hold any grudges

According to a recent study, which was led by Johan Lind, an ethologist at the University of Stockholm in Sweden, short-term memory capacity of dogs is about 27 seconds. This could explain why his dog has no memory of the strong thawing game, which he played only fifteen minutes ago, and insists that he walks by the legs, with his rope for another. On the other hand, it can contribute to our favor. It does not matter what we do, whether you come home to get work home for your catch if we want to play better if we prefer to watch TV, or go to a vet for two weeks, while a family vacation does still make us Love A dog will never turn your back or hold a huge even if any other person near you declared the person unbeliebbarste with those who had to deal with throughout the day. Our dogs know that we are not perfect and therefore forgive our mistakes. If we can learn one, let it never put the sun in anger. Our dogs will never be safe.

2. Always remember, "I love you" to say.

One of the things I love most about my dog, his demonstrative signs of affection; Moving the tail, stroking and licking are all ways of letting me know that you love me. More than that, I love that I will never ask. Not only does it forgive me that it is an absolute pain in the butt (which happens more often than I feel at ease), it reminds me that we, as imperfect as we are, always love worthy. Do not miss an opportunity to a friend or relative to tell you that you love him. You could say that it is too dangerous of something good, but if we can learn from our dogs, is that this rule does not apply to love.

3. They appreciate quality time

Is your dog anxious every time you see your leash or your favorite toy? Pushes his nose between the hand and keyboard of the laptop while wegschreibst frantically to meet a deadline? That is his way of reminding him that sometimes he can wait to work. If we take a quarter of an hour to change things or with our dogs around the block to throw the frisbee in the backyard, we must also strive to think about how we can apply this practice to the relationships we have with other people to us. Take a few minutes on your lunch break to write your best friend and ask how your day is going. Stop at your girlfriend's apartment after working with Chinese food and a bottle of wine and enjoy a few hours in your company. Time with our loved ones is finite, and since we can never know how much of what we have, it is a luxury we can not afford.

4. always listen to our problems

I love this classic comedy scenes or a movie with an anxious teenager sitting on the porch with her Golden Retriever and wondering why the kid in school, she has convinced is her soul mate not give her a second look, In response, The dog simply wags his tail and licks his face, as if to say, "All that he is an idiot I still love you ..." Your dog will never cast eyes on you if you yourself between times be latest a colleague or ask why His ex still seems to dance on a rope. Your dog will not say you just cut the string and stop responding to your texts because this is not what you want to hear. He has only his big ears as a recipient for his frustrations without complaint.
Think of it the next time you find yourself as a sounding board for someone else's problems elsewhere. Pretend for a few minutes to be your dog as if you can not do anything other than listening with compassion and nod. (Let's face nobody, it probably will not end well).

5. You are always happy to see a friend

Whether five seconds five minutes or five years our dogs always receive us with a Jip and a tail moving. This probably has to do with the so-called short-term memory problem that I mentioned earlier, but it is also going in our favor. A dog tries every time he sees someone he loves, as an opportunity to look forward and unite. Imagine how much sweeter our interpersonal relationships would be if we had tried that way.

6. They teach us about sharing

We shared our food, our beds and our place on the couch with them, and never complain. If we do, it is a half-hearted appeal, while the dog finds himself moving his head out of position in the middle of the bed, giving him an appearance that roughly interpreted, means "yes to the right" Sleeping We share the spaces in our homes and our hearts with our dogs do not care, but simply because they want. Our willingness to meet other people in our lives, physically and emotionally, can be so rewarding because we have the mutually beneficial experience to share our resources and establish a connection with someone who one day the favor could return. No one should go through life alone.

7. force us to hear

In addition to the large audience itself, our dogs force us to listen, to understand their way of communicating. The guys who complain about that bark and howl all the nuances of Eckzahnvokabulars, and we know that if Sparky is happy, sad, anxious or feels threatened in the tenor of his bark. We can improve our communication with others in a similar way by listening to them only by learning to recognize nuances of emotions that can help us to show more sensitivity to the feelings of others.

8. They teach us about trust

If we take our dogs in our homes, we simply trust that we will treat them with love and kindness. They trust that we feed them, go and care for them when they are sick because they have after they have been domesticated, learned to get rid of people to survive. They hold us accountable. They remind us that we have to show others by our actions that we are worthy of their trust and respect. Sometimes I think that when people see me, what my dog does, I would have many more friends.

9. Remind us of the importance of physical contact

In this increasingly technological world is practically a kind of word of fashion, but the most comfortable in the world in our hands can be sometimes, also eliminates much of the need for human contact. Even in the digital age, our dogs seek physical contact. They need pets, rub their belly and scratches behind their ears as confirmation of our affection, and reward us with licking and servants. The letters are great, but hugs crave our brains according to the National Institutes of Health. The release of oxytocin, which triggers hugs, creates a sense of pleasure by reducing the stress hormones and blood pressure.

10. They teach us to read body language
While dogs communicate verbally by barking, they also use body language, as do people who tell us how they feel. An insecure tail could indicate happiness, while a tail and ears dangling in fear or sadness may indicate. I had a Labrador, who appeared every time I heard a baby cry. That was his way of making our little insecure that he knew the attention needed.
The recognition of these characters of the non-verbal communication of our dogs is easily transferable in our human relations. Notes, facial expressions or hand gestures can help us read between the lines in our discussions and to gain a deeper understanding of each other's emotions.

Featured photo credit: Walking the Dog via