
5 ways to avoid disturbing your busy boyfriend

5 ways to avoid disturbing your busy boyfriend
5 ways to avoid disturbing your busy boyfriend

If a person in the relationship is doing much more than the other, it can strain on your relationship. You could be in different life situations where your friend has a lot of things happened and you have a lighter schedule and want to spend your free time with it. Believe it or not, it's easier than it seems to handle this difference in a way that supports your relationship rather than damaging it. This can be as simple as its schedule and the confidence to know you give priority. Other special techniques on how to keep your friend busy and keep your relationship strong, first step down do not bother.

Method 1
Know their schedule

1. Discover the schedule of your friend. So you can know when it's really free and if it should be left alone, get into things.
What days and hours does he attend school, travel events or have work related off-site work? When he was a sport, he pursued hobbies or interests? When is it to work? Most of these times are "off limits" to disturb, except understanding and past emergencies.

2. Find out if his schedule can record your calls or your presence. It is not just a guess; Use healthy human understanding and ask directly if he does not want to be disturbed.
Think about reasonable times when it will most likely respond to your call. If he get up early in the morning, call him the night before before he fell asleep instead of holding the first.
Ask if he has a break at work / school / college, or if he does it does things you do not call or come forward against saying hello. Maybe it is free for lunch once a week, or maybe he would like to hear from you like 16 hours in the afternoon. But do not assume it; Really ask preferences.

3. Avoid leaders. When he asks her about her schedule, not knowing that it is to know if it does not bother him. However, if he does not tell you what it is in every second of the day, avoid a heretic. He has the right to spend free time without knowing! (Similarly, you are.)

Method 2
Trust him

1. entrust it. If one of the reasons why you are unable to call more or make him a text message, or even present you with no prior notice is that you do not trust him, it's time to face your face insecure behavior. Ask yourself where this insecurity does, and if he has done something to make your mistrust. If this lack of confidence comes from you, seek the reasons to deal with why you feel so unsafe. If you do not, it will eventually suffocate. But if you do not trust him for something he actually did, then it's time to end your relationship.

Be reassured 2. of what you know. The section above suggested that you know what the schedule. This should be reassuring that you can trust him. If not, maybe think about why you are with a man who is so suspicious of you.

3. Respect their free time. Accept that his family and other friends are also important to him, and he has the time to spend with them. You will get a lot more respect are simple and flexible that you will be doing to monopolize demanding and its leisure time.

Method 3
Minimize contact reversed

1. Reduce contact if it is likely to disturb your friend. Once you know what he does not realize that he does not need to interrupt your calls or messages.

2. Give it a break. May choose a day and time for the call; If he says you call him, believe it. Give it a chance to call you! Give him space, it is important, especially before he decides you are "needy".

3. Remove the temptation. It can not be hard to call, if you feel bored or needy, here are some things to do to prevent you from calling:
Delete the SMS messages and calls you are making or sending;
Leave your phone off or leave it somewhere you do not, so you are not tempted,
Take the phone out of the room, so you will not be tempted at night to pick it up and talk
If you have pictures of it, put a copy of his "schedule" next to the photo, which reminds you how it is occupied.

4. Suggest a programmed schedule to talk to each other. For example, perhaps late in the evening before going to bed, at the airport, on the way home, etc. Find out if it is not disturbed by a cat or Skype call. Most importantly, know when it does not bother you to introduce her to her house uninvited.

5. See how long you can go without calling. If you call four times a day, if you can spend four hours without a call, then four, then four, can you pass four days? It has a telephone, he can see his calls in the absence, read their texts and listen to voice messages. He knows that you will call when it will be time to discuss it in detail with you, it will. Running days without seeing your name on the call ID can make you curious what you've done!
After a few days, without you overwriting it, forget the first boring.

Method 4
Be as busy as it is

1. Show that you do not need anyone 24 hours 24, 7 hours 7! He priorities, then make a few. The world and your happiness should not be around. About a boy pining is not attractive. Do not touch if he does not call you 10 times a day. Better yet, do not worry if he has a long day and that you do not call at all.

2. Stay busy doing what you need to do. Do not say there is nothing to do, because there is always something to do! Clean up your closet, wash your car, start with other friends, spend time with the family, back in an old hobby, do a project do you do exercise, a movie, study , Learn a new language, write a novel, etc. There is no excuse for longing!

3. Spend time with people who keep your mind and your relationship. Do not ever stay with this friend you talk only with your relationships and discuss anything. Spend time with friends who share with you other interests. If you have a friend who loves music, you can organize a concert together. If you have a friend who loves shopping, you can plan a shopping trip. You do not wrap your friends to allow the needy behavior towards your friend.

4. Recognize that, you will soon see that you do not always tie a yellow ribbon around the phone waiting for his call. Make plans with friends and have not invited him. Your relationships and your plans without him are as important as relationships and plans without you.
Let your friend know that you are interested and want to speak, but do not finish up to his call. It should also be aware that you also have a life and interest and will not be able to drop anything as he finally called.

5. Have fun! It becomes even more comfortable when he knows that you can be happy when it is not available.

6. Let him know that you expect your time to be equally respected. He will respect you and your time when you respect.

Method 5
Some typical challenges

1. Avoid making negative interpretations - ask. Do not confuse it with a passive-aggressive pre-employment. If there is somewhere time for you in his term calendar, it should comfort you because it means that he values ​​you and makes time. Knowing his schedule, you know it is very busy at other times. If you feel that you are avoiding, it is time to think about the termination of the relationship.

2. On the other hand, if he does not spend the time with you and feel left out, re-evaluate. If you suspect that you are actually stopping and you are using an excuse, it's probably not the friend for you. He may be married to his job, his business or goals, and it can be really difficult to compete with such an ambition so simply that if you are just as ambitious and think that it is good to be away.
When you return completely, it can come. But you must be ready if it is not. And if it is not, then it's his loss and it will teach you is to find a new friend who can talk about their feelings in a relationship rather than hide behind voicemail until the woman stops calling.
Not be the stalker who can not take the index. It is devastating for both your life and you really need to continue with your own if it does not work with it.

3. Spread your frightened thoughts and enjoy what is good in the relationship. Realize that most men are women who control their own lives and make a good game. Go out and live your own life. When he calls you, both have something interesting to contribute to the conversation.
He does not feel he has to comfort you, apologize or carry high maintenance every time he calls.
To speak with you a joy and not the Spanish Inquisition.
They did not question the fact that it was slow or why he could not call for days. Instead, you will see the previous step to create a call schedule.

4. Accept that some relationships do not work. You could be long-term happier with someone else who is more sensitive to your needs. You can not change anyone exactly what you want and you will be unhappy when you marry at the end of someone you thought you could "change for the better." The behavior you see now is significant for the future!