
9 ways to meet your girlfriend's parents?

9 ways to meet your girlfriend's parents
9 ways to meet your girlfriend's parents?

Have you ever been in the stressful situation for nerves to meet your girlfriend's parents for the first time? The fear of the impression you are going to make? While parents' expectations may be different from their daughter's other important ones from a household to culture to culture, at least a good faith effort will be based on these show instructions on your part and increase your chances of Baked Ziti evening eight new be invited.

1. Do your homework in advance. Each girl is different, so that all parents of the parents are different, with unique expectations. All the recommendations that follow, can reduce terrible if you do not ask your friend first to what their parents.

  • To find out as much as possible about your partner's parents. What do they do to live? If you have common interests? Have you been recently on holiday? Are there any topics that are out? This gives you a heads-up on topics of conversation - and what to avoid.
  • Expect the most difficult questions. They know what they are - about your future His commitment to his daughter (d H. marriage, future children.) And the background (like religion, education, race, etc.). (D H. career, financial stability.). Imagine that their parents already know that you have just lost your job you can not afford an engagement ring or house and probably will not be for several years in a position that you have stopped a night or whatever you You fear to ask. Develop the most responsible, gentle response you can think in advance. See Warnings below.
  • Think about how to compare yourself with previous girlfriends. Ask your friend how their parents cater to all the other guys in his life in the past. What are they or are they not like? When you ask this question, you can learn more about what not to do a lot. You can also discover the unfortunate circumstances that a guy could have given, they thought they were just perfect for his daughter, and they will be judged by this standard, the second you go through the door. There is nothing to be done, but to anticipate and it does not

2. Dress to impress. Go to someone's parents, hole-ridden in your vintage, acid-washed jeans and Che Guevara T-shirt you save the other day's economy for three US dollars probably will not get their biggest Respect - unless unconventional parents. This does not mean wearing a costume - only be imagined (for example a polo shirt or T-shirt that does not spread the Communist program.). Dress chic and casual, and make sure everything is clean, well-equipped (not too tight or sackig) and tidy. Get a fresh haircut and cut your nails. Ask your girlfriend for her opinion - she knows best.

3. Do not pull on time with your stereo blasting heavy metal. They are in a heartbeat disapprove (unless they do not like it themselves). Lower the volume. Park your car in front of your house and lock both doors. This is explained later.

4. Be confident when you meet them. Give the father a firm handshake. Nothing says, "I can not take care of your daughter me" more than a soft handshake of noodles. Not to mention, if it is fixed, it shows you mean business. All men - who use the mid-business shake solid, sometimes catch with an additional forearm. If he believes that his daughter can take care of himself, or he is not a man who means business himself (more by artist, intellectual or whatever the type goes) (will not hurt A firm handshake it unless you too hard to squeeze). For the mother, the appropriate greeting from a handshake, an air kiss can a hug (or a combination of them) rich. Some mothers are reserved, and some mothers will adopt the air of your lungs and shower your cheeks with kisses. Ask your friend for comments as well. With regard to reception, in order to follow your partner to the address. If you just said, "This is my mother and father," then show your respect and go with Mr. and Mrs. until they tell you anything else. When you are presented by their first names, you stay with them. Tell them that you are happy to meet them and thank them for inviting me to his house. Make sure that when you meet her parents for the first time, you need to be 100% polite. Use the correct grammar and do not use slang words. This shows parents that you are friendly, educated and aware of your environment.

5. Make a good conversation. One of the most important parts of the meeting of all - the parents, the girls, the president - is conversation. If you have mastered the art of conversation, you are a deadly force that just waits to disarm the parents on every train. Use anecdotes and, most importantly, well timed (and appropriate) jokes. Timing is key - a comment at the wrong time could be the difference between "father" and "trial". Take lessons from your experience! Than watching your conversations with your ex-girlfriend's parents (see, it's ex-girlfriend for a reason). You have done your research, you will have an opening of conversation in your sleeve. Avoid heavy or controversial subject; This is not the time to see a view of human cloning. But not a yes-man. If you are asked your opinion, be polite, but be honest. If you ask at some point, you are stuck for conversation, what your partner was like a child. This is a great trick that parents like to discuss about their offspring and it shows that you have a deep interest in it.
6. Take care of your daughter well be particularly attentive to your partner. Her dress her chair to dinner back, you pour a glass, open doors for them, and all that jazz (which all good practice outside of the parents meeting is), or they may feel angry that this Their parents). At the same time, do not show too much affection for your girlfriend while in their presence (ie, not your hands on the back). You should see that you treat his daughter as the princess they believe him, not the hottie you think they will be.

7. Get ready for the Q & A session. There comes a time in every first meeting where you are attacked with questions that do not end up depositing your manhood. You have happily followed these instructions and are expecting many of these questions. It is very important to answer most of these questions affirmatively, unless they start with "Have you ever ..." "When is the last time ..." never committed a crime Have you .. . "" - in this case, it is best to use your discretion. Be warned that you swallow your pride and sometimes need to be humble. At the end of this session you will most likely be out of breath, beaten and less of a man - if done properly, but it will soon be over. In the opposite case, could be a "family emergency" comes all of a sudden that does not allow you somehow to go out with your date tonight. They did not even know they had an uncle Pedro in Taipei, or that the myxomatosis people touched - but you hope he will be better soon.

8. Say goodbye. Shake hands, make cuddles, or everything seems appropriate. Thank you abundantly that you have survived and smile. This is the part of relieving the situation of the general meeting of the mother unit, but only for the masters who have done more on the gauntlet. Usually, characterized by a dark, evil eye of the Father (sometimes by the mother) as he (or she) opens the door to get you out, and accompanied by a "Do you have her house by ____" - in this case, They respond If they have at home in a long time to make this period - it's the green mile.
Did not leave 9. Look back as soon as the door, it is imperative not to look back - because you know well that their parents look until you are out of sight. If you reach your car, you must be sure to open the first door and open it for them. Turn around and their parents a flashing smile as you close the door when you feel dangerous. Once you come, do not pull until you have both seat belts on your, otherwise you remember the face of his father and distort behind the screen door. Finally, enter a hand recognition of the presence of their parents behind his door and do not go faster than fifteen miles an hour until you are out of their eyes.
